Tobey B. Marzouk
Tobey B. Marzouk has been listed in the Best Lawyers in America from 2010 through 2014 in the field of Information Technology Law and was named as the Best Lawyers' 2013 "Copyright Lawyer of the Year." He also has been listed among the 2012 - 2014 Super Lawyers in Intellectual Property Law. Mr. Marzouk has served as Consulting Editor to Internet Law and Business and the Computer Law Reporter, leading legal journals of the high technology industry. He has lectured extensively on information technology law and has authored three books on software and computer law, as well as numerous articles in national and international trade and legal journals. Mr. Marzouk received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and his law degree from Harvard Law School.
Thomas M. Parry
Thomas M. Parry has served as Chair of the Computer Law Section of the District of Columbia Bar and currently is an officer of the D.C. Computer Law Forum. He has spoken frequently on legal issues facing high technology industries and is the author of two books on IP rights and technology licensing, distribution and protection. Mr. Parry received his undergraduate degree from Colorado College and a masters degree from Rutgers University. His law degree is from Georgetown University, where he served on the editorial board of the Georgetown Law Journal.